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Hello !Friendica Developers,

I'm testing my Friendica test instance on my server. I noticed some flaws and bugs and reported them on Github. While looking at the code I think there is some minor and major refactoring needed. Where is a good place to meet some maintainers like @Hypolite Petovan to talk about the roadmap? Is this group the best place?

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to art4 Friendica Developers reshared this.

@art4 @Hypolite Petovan @Friendica Developers concerning refactoring, I guess it is the best to first tell here about what you would like to change.
in reply to Michael Vogel Friendica Developers reshared this.

@Michael Vogel

Some first thoughts are:

  • fix composer autoloading warnings
  • improve composer autoloading in dev…
  • introduce static code analysis with PHPStan (min. level 2)
  • improve unit tests and mocking (they should run without database or other dependencies)
  • replace (if possible) assertEquals() with assertSame() in tests

This will show us the places that need urgent refactoring. It will improve the parameter and return types and might fix many PHP notices/warnings/errors.

@Hypolite Petovan @Friendica Developers

in reply to art4 Friendica Developers reshared this.

@art4 @Friendica Developers @Hypolite Petovan this sounds like a reasonable plan. Since you introduced yourself, I possibly should do this as well. I'm no professional PHP developer. I'm working with a different language at work which isn't object oriented. So on the one side I'm a professional - and a rookie on the other side. I still struggle with some concepts in my friendica.
in reply to Michael Vogel Friendica Developers reshared this.

@Michael Vogel @art4 Please don't shortchange yourself, during recent years you've done leaps and bounds under @Philipp Holzer and my supervision while we introduced new programming paradigms and refactoring concepts to you.
in reply to art4 Friendica Developers reshared this.

in reply to Hypolite Petovan Friendica Developers reshared this.

Problem is that the support for Composer 1 will end next year. So we need to do something there. I'm completely lost here.

Concerning the mod files: I think that it should be possible to transform the remaining 7 files without too much problems. Except from photos.php most other are relatively small.

in reply to Michael Vogel Friendica Developers reshared this.

@Michael Vogel @Philipp Holzer @art4 And item.php?

I'm with you for the replacement of the Composer plugin. I don't want to go back to bundling the frontend libraries with the code, but I have little to no experience with npm or webpack as a replacement.

in reply to Hypolite Petovan Friendica Developers reshared this.

I refactored item.php several version ago to a level that now the functions are cleaned up. It shouldn't be a problem anymore.
in reply to Michael Vogel Friendica Developers reshared this.

We should tackle one task after another. The composer v1 is one problem (with a PR for review) we have to solve now. The bower dependency, the possible usage of npm, and the refactoring of the mod folder are another problems.
in reply to Hypolite Petovan Friendica Developers reshared this.

in reply to art4 Friendica Developers reshared this.

@art4 Thank you so much for the work you've already done!

Small precision: the "mods" folder is independent and doesn't have included PHP code in it. It includes suggested configuration files and a bookmarklet example.


art4 reshared this.

You can solve sudokus in python packaging.

Not not python code, python packages:

[project]name = "sudoku"
version = "1.0.0"
dependencies = [
"sudoku_3_1 == 2",
"sudoku_5_7 == 6",
"sudoku_0_7 == 5"
and the installed packages are the solution.…

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

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